Severe exposure to bedtime stories as a child led to an overactive imagination. The result, sheer lunacy!
I find myself preoccupied with everyday life, but not my own- that of the fairy. Consequently, my sculptures place what can only be described as ‘fairies’ with machine-like contraptions. They depict fairies going about their everyday lives. Within my work my extraordinary objective is to realise the necessities and requirements that would be involved in ‘fairy life’: to provide everything a fairy would demand during its daily existence.
This central theme runs throughout my work but is incredibly versatile and can lend itself to almost any brief or situation with a bit of imagination. My sculptures evoke a sense of nostalgia, escapism and make-believe necessary to remove the viewer temporarily from their worries. I endeavour to capture every imagination!
Fairy Dust Processing Plant
A collecting and sorting facility for Dust Retrieval Operatives to consolidate their hauls.
Fairy Launch Facility XL
Getting airborne is not easy for all fairies. Built round a very huge spring, this extra large launch facility helps propel those struggling.
Spreading Stations
These station posts play a vital role in dust distribution. A small team of dust operatives are charged with manning a station on rotation.
Lift Generating Flight Helmet
Unintentional low flying can be particularly hazardous in busy flight paths. This style of helmet is also perfect for those fairies who consider themselves weak flyers.
Emergency Braking System
The spring loaded bottom flap can be activated by pulling the lever to initiate an emergency stop. A vital tool for navigating busy flight paths.
Dust Sprinkling
Dust spreading is a lengthy task for every fairy. Their role extensive, their hours long. This gadget helps with the task at hand for stress-free and labour-saving sprinkling.
Visibility Restoration Helmet
Preserving visibility during flight is imperative for the health and safety of the flyer. Fogged goggles pose a severe risk at all flight speeds.
Bottom Warming Garments
Fairies often find themselves flying at high altitude. A dangerous pursuit with its many risks.
Fairy Tail Light
An important flight suit attachment for use during night flights and poor weather. A gadget designed to reduce nose to toe collisions.
Flight Simulator
This facility was designed to provide novice flyers with a safe means of building flight confidence. Learning to fly is fully supported and risk free.
Hydra Helmet
A particularly useful device to facilitate longer flying times. Also necessary to prevent overheating.
Red Can Copter
Duty dictates that all fairies must retrieve and distribute fairy-dust. Much of fairy life revolves around this laborious and lengthy task.
Helmet Mounted Hazard Horn
Weather warning, dust storm, obstacles in the flight path. The Hazard Horn is a crucial tool designed to keep fairies safe.
Dust Sprinkling Helmet
The fairy has a duty to retrieve and distribute fairy-dust. Much of fairy life revolves around this laborious and lengthy task.
Fairy Launch Facility
Some fairies need a little help to get airborne, some fairies like a little help to get airborne.
Crash Helmet
The clumsier variety of fairy would always be advised to wear a crash helmet rather than a standard issue helmet.
Dust Distribution Vehicle
This sculpture was commissioned by the most patient lady for her special birthday. She asked for a ‘Vespa inspired vehicle’
DUST at Yorkshire Sculpture Park
‘DUST’ was a suspended installation created for the visitor centre window at Yorkshire Sculpture Park in 2014.
Deluxe Dust Sprinkling Vehicle
A dust distributing device is an essential investment for the overworked fairy. Duty dictate s that all fairies must retrieve and distribute fairy - dust.
Dust Identifying Apparatus
This apparatus was developed in response to DFW (Department for Fairy Well-being) investment.
Dust Sprinkling in Progress
This fairy is taking a more relaxed approach to dust duty. He figures that his hours are long, so he may as well get comfortable.
Long Distance Traveller
A social vehicle for the travelling fairy. Long haul flights can be physically gruelling as well as lonely.
Moorfields Eye Hospital
In 2006 I was commissioned by Art Office and Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust to design artworks intended for the new International Paediatric Wing.
The Scarlet Spears
The Scarlet Spears are a highly skilled aerial aerobatics team. They were formed in 2010 by the AFA (Advanced Flyers Association) to promote advanced flight training to fairies.
Time Flies
A suspended sculpture commissioned by The Chapel Gallery in collaboration with Ormskirk town council for ‘A Festival of Tales 2017’
Flight Helmet with Anemometer
Safe fairy travel depends on favourable flying conditions. Understanding and predicting weather patterns is key to a successful flight.