Samantha Bryan

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Fairy shortage set to worsen…

Fairy production will come to a halt next week as we prepare to welcome another little boy into our family…eeeek.  We are thrilled and terrified in equal measure. The pregnancy has left me very green and far too often horizontal, so it will be a relief when he finally arrives.

Our little man (aka Melon) will be with us on the 8th November, all being well, and consequently I’ll be taking some time out of the fairy workshop to recover and enjoy the cuddles. There are quite a few unfinished pieces here in the studio, so they may go up for sale singularly on social media when they are completed. A series of sneaky short notice releases.  We shall see how things unfold. But keep a look out. I am keen to keep making when I can, albeit very slowly.

You can also subscribe to the Fairy Mailing List to hear news of the next Fairy Release. I shall be in touch once regular working recommences.

Samantha x