The joy of swings and hula hooping

The five fairies featured in Fairy Release 18 are emerging and are very nearly flightworthy! Can you believe we’re onto release 18 already?

This release is brimming with nostalgia, playful concepts designed for maximum, smile-inducing impact. Each piece is rooted in joyful childhood memories. Think soaring on a park swing or competitive hula hooping… Do you have similar memories I wonder? Hopefully, these sculptures will transport you back to those carefree days.

Introducing… The Fairy Gyroscopic Hoop-o-Matic

Nearly ready to fly are a trio of hula hooping fairies, who are hulaing to enhance their aerodynamic agility, refine flight control, strengthen core stability and improve balance. As a child I would hula hoop for hours. We would set up obstacle courses to negotiate whilst hooping, hold competitions and exchange toys as prizes. I made fairy sized hula hoops a long while ago, but the wall format didn’t work for this idea. I recently stumbled on a solution for their display and here they are!

Introducing… Brain’s Motion Acclimatisation Swing

Introducing the latest breakthrough in fairy flight training: the Motion Acclimatisation Swing. Designed for fairies still finding their wings, this ingenious contraption helps develop balance, coordination, and—most crucially—the art of staying airborne without an unexpected tumble. It’s designed to have fairies soaring with confidence in no time.

How to buy!

Fairy Release 18 will be going live at 8pm on Friday 7th March 2025. Mailing list subscribers will be sent a reminder with a link to buy the fairies at 7.45pm on the day. Sign up below to receive this email and to be notified of future releases.


Imminent Fairy Release!